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This is my model of Andreas Keller's resin cast kit that he gave me when I first met him.  It took me around 10 plus years to finish it and I do not recall why – let's say laziness and diverted interests.  This is a model that deserves the credit to Andreas as he went to fantastic effort to make the masters and then cast as many as he liked.  Fortunately for me, I got two of them (I am working on finishing off the NAR variation) before he gave the project to Sylvan Scale Models.

 This is a car of unique Canadian prototype that travelled far and wide in North America carrying the lumber products of British Columbia while proudly displaying the attractive and handsome Dogwood emblem in its travels.  For this reason, one does not need to be a Canadian modeller to justify the existence of this car in your train.  I added the underframe piping and coupler leve

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page last updated 24-01-2010